Bushido Kenkyukai Taiko celebrates 10 years this month. Time has flown by. We have been blessed with wonderful students, families, friends, neighbors, and benefactors. So much has happened in 10 years.
There have been 2 facilities, multiple landlords, a Van, performance tours throughout NM, school performances. We have suffered a variety of hardships like roof leaks, damaged drums, vandalism to our van and our facility, plumbing issues, air conditioning failures, to health issues, and the toughest part, the passing of friends & family.
I have personally had the pleasure of teaching hundreds of students that have past through our facility. A few were only around for a day or a few weeks for special workshops/training while many others have been with me for years.
I feel very bless and very grateful. I hope for many more years to come. Thank you to our fans and supporters!
Anita Gallegos, BK Taiko Group Leader
August 14th,2018
Japanese Culture,
News and Announcements,
Taiko | tags:
Adult classes,
Albuquerque Dojo,
BK Taiko,
Classes & Workshops,
Japanese Drumming,
Japanese Music,
Kids Drumming Classes |
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Happy July! Bushido Kenkyukai celebrates 15 years this month. Time has flown by. We have grown from a room in a community center (portable dojo) to a large facility. We have been blessed with wonderful students, families, friends, neighbors, and benefactors. So much has happened in 15 years.
There have been 3 facilities, multiple landlords, a Van. We have suffered a variety of hardships like roof leaks, vandalism to our van and our facility, plumbing issues, air conditioning failures, to health issues, and the toughest part, the passing of friends & family.
We have also had the joy of watching children grow up, graduate, get married, and have kids of their own. It has been a great joy to have a child you instructed bring you their significant other, their spouse, their child for you to meet. As a Sensei you feel like an adoptive parent. No matter what their age they all become your children.
I have personally had the pleasure of teaching hundreds of students that have past through our facility. A few were only around for a day or a few weeks for special workshops/training while many others have been with me for years.
I feel very bless and very grateful. I hope for many more years to come.
- Gallegos, 5th Dan
Head Instructor
Bushido Kenkyukai
Bushido Kenkyukai is celebrating 15 years!
We have come a long way since the summer of 2003. There have been 3 locations, lots of students, classes, workshops, outings, open houses, road trips, special guest & instructors, news paper articles, TV interviews, special classes, and so many memories.
July 1st,2018
Martial Arts,
News and Announcements,
Taiko |
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Beginning Class Schedule
Youth Karate (7-13yrs): Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Adult Karate (14 & up): Tuesdays & Thursdays 6pm – 7:30pm
Youth Taiko (7-13yrs): Wednesdays 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Adult Taiko (14 & up): Wednesdays: 6:40pm – 8:40pm
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January 2nd,2018
Martial Arts,
News and Announcements,
Physical Fitness | tags:
Albuquerque Classes,
Albuquerque Drumming,
BK Taiko,
Japanese Culture,
Japanese Drumming,
Japanese Music,
Karate Classes in Albuquerque,
Taiko |
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As we look forward to an amazing 2018 we would like to thank our amazing Karate & Taiko students, families, friends, neighbors, fellow karateka, our brilliant webmaster/graphic artist, sponsors, donors, and benefactors. Thank you everyone!!!
January 1st,2018
Japanese Culture,
Martial Arts,
News and Announcements,
Taiko |
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A 1 hour “Introduction to Taiko Japanese Drumming” class for kids will be offered on Wednesday November 1st from 5:30 to 6:30pm pm. No previous music/drumming experience necessary. This hands on workshop is FREE and drums are provided. BK Taiko dojo is located at 9911 Southern Blvd SE – unit F (near Eubank & Central). Taiko is a high-energy blend of martial arts choreography and synchronized drumming which dates back over 2,000 years. Taiko simply means “great drum” in Japanese and has taken on the meaning of the art form. For more information or to sign up for the class, email Taiko@BKWoW.com or call (505) 294-6993.
The class will give an overview of basic taiko knowledge including taiko history, terminology, and basic drum info as well as introduce basic taiko stances, movement, kata, and kihon. Students will also enjoy hands on experience with the drums.
For more information on BK Taiko, their performance schedule, or their taiko classes go to www.BKTaiko.com or go to www.Facebook.com/BKTaiko .
Instructor Biography
ANITA LEE GALLEGOS has studied Taiko for 17 years and has had the great opportunity to train & perform with professional Taiko drummers from Japan & the United States. She teaches Taiko class for kids, youth, and adults in addition to leading BK Taiko’s performing group.
October 10th,2017
Japanese Culture,
News and Announcements,
Taiko | tags:
Japanese Culture,
Japanese Drumming,
Japanese Music,
Kids Drumming Classes,
Taiko |
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BK Taiko performing Taiko Bayashi
BK Taiko is part of Bushido Kenkyukai, a Japanese Martial & Cultural Arts center in Albuquerque. We not only have year round classes in Japanese Drumming for kids & adults, but we have a performing group that travels throughout New Mexico. This year our group traveled to Bernalillo, Santa Fe, Gallup, Clovis, and even Phoenix, AZ. Of course we perform several times a year in Albuquerque at public & private events.
Our group even works with schools, community groups, and summer camp programs to teach children Taiko Japanese Drumming in their facility or ours. BK Taiko also hosts workshops with professional Taiko players & groups.
If you would like our group to perform at our event or you would like to join our fun exciting classes email Taiko@BKWoW.com.
September 19th,2017
Japanese Culture,
Taiko | tags:
Albuquerque Classes,
Albuquerque Drumming,
Japanese Culture,
Japanese Drumming,
Japanese Music,
New Mexico,
Taiko Performing group |
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Origami is the Art of Paper Folding. Bushido Kenkyukai offers Origami workshops periodically throughout the year. We also go to schools, businesses, & events to run Origami booths or hold on site workshops. Paper is provided with hands on instruction. There are many fun subjects to choose from. No experience necessary. Difficulty level can vary from first timer to advanced. We work with young kids to older adults (seniors).
Contact us for a Quote. Sensei@BKWoW.com
BK Taiko an Albuquerque based Japanese Drumming group is on a Performance Tour in New Mexico. Our Taiko group has been grabbing everyone’s attention with their energetic skillful performances. While BK Taiko normally has several performances per year in the general Albuquerque area, this year has had a significant increase in out of town performances requests. In February BK Taiko participated in the Phoenix Matsuri (Japanese Festival). April 29th BK Taiko performed in Santa Fe for the Santa Fe Matsuri, May 5th in Bernalillo, June 10th in Gallup for the Gallup Arts Crawl at Camille’s Sidewalk Café, and July 22nd in Clovis.
Contact Taiko@BKWoW.com if you would like our Taiko group at your event.
Improving your physical fitness benefits your life in many ways including improving your ability to perform your job, your hobbies, and your everyday activities. Bushido Kenkyukai will be offering a 6-week Kundalini Yoga class starting March 1st from 4pm to 5pm.
Kundalini works with breath, movement, sound (mantra), and meditation to promote self-healing, strengthening the nervous system, manage stress and mood, and increase flexibility.
Yoga class will be 1 hour on Wednesdays afternoons. Minimum age for participant is15 years old. Class fee is $55. Discounts available for Military and Kirtland Air Force Base personnel. (Our facility is on Southern Blvd across from KAFB between the Eubank & Wyoming gates)The highly qualified instructor, Ms. Lopez, is KRI certified and has been practicing since 1998.
Benefits of yoga include:
- Increased flexibility
- Increased muscle strength & tone
- Improved respiration, energy & vitality
- Weight reduction
- Cardio & circulatory health
- Improved athletic performance
Participants must pre-register prior to February 22nd. Email Sensei@BKWoW.com for more information. [contact-form subject='[Bushido Kenkyukai: Japanese Martial %26amp; Cultural Arts’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]
January 26th,2017
News and Announcements,
Physical Fitness |
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